The Valley Quilters Guild of Palmer, Alaska, accepts applications for its annual grant monies between August 1 and September 30 each year. If you are a certified Alaska teacher, now is the time to look over the criteria and application so that you might be inspired to incorporate fiber arts into your plan for the spring semester of the current school year!
The Valley Quilters Guild awards a grant to an Alaska teacher to assist in teaching a curriculum unit on fiber arts. The amount of the grant can range from $75 to $300, depending on the amount needed as specified by the teacher applicant.
The Guild may award more than one grant in a calendar year. Teachers interested in applying for this grant must meet the criteria.
VQG Grant Criteria rev 4-25-20
You may print and fill out this form
then mail to:
Valley Quilters Guild
C/O Grant Chairman
PO Box 2582
Palmer, AK 99645