The Valley Quilters Guild, Inc. was formed in 1985 to promote quilting in the Matanuska Valley. We currently have a membership of over 200.
Our main objectives are service to our community and the education of quilters. We serve the community by donating quilts to organizations and groups that approach us with their needs. Our members also let us know of needs in the community.
Valley Quilters Guild General Membership meetings are held at the Palmer Railroad Depot on the FIRST THURSDAY of EVERY MONTH (with a few exceptions). Social hour begins at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted.
Most meetings last about two hours, depending on the program and how many show-and-tell projects are shown! Each meeting includes a Fat Quarter and Block-of-the-Month drawings for paid members only. We also hold a monthly Raffle Basket drawing open to anyone who attends the meeting, tickets are $0.50 each.
How does Valley Quilters Guild serve our community?
VQG serves the community by donating quilts to organizations and groups that approach us with their needs. Our members also let us know of special needs in the community, like victims of the Sockeye Fire in the summer of 2015. In 2016, the VQG donated over 166 items, most of them quilts, to various organizations and individuals in the Valley area.
Some of the organizations to which VQG donates regularly are Project Linus, The Children’s Place, HeartReach Center, Red Cross, Alaska Family Services (Women’s Shelter), Alaska Resource Center for Families, and others.