Full Membership shall consist of any adult age 18 or over who is interested in quilts and shall be admitted to the membership upon payment of annual dues.  An active member shall participate in and support the projects and activities of the organization; for example, donating a project to service each year, or donating one quilt for the VQG booth at the Alaska State Fair, or working one shift at the VQG booth at the Alaska State Fair, or serving a term on the Board, or as a Committee Chairperson, or another activity of your choosing.  Members have the privilege of voting and holding office.

Junior Members (age 13 through 17) will be granted limited membership, at one half (1/2) the price of full membership, as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.  They may not attend Quilt Camp or retreat until 18 years of age.  They may not vote or hold office until 18 years of age.

Lifetime Membership (no fee) is available to Members who are 65 years or older and have been a member in good standing for 10 consecutive years.
Contact the Guild Treasurer for eligibility.

Beginning quilters are welcome and encouraged. New membership dues are $40.  With your membership, you will receive a monthly electronic newsletter and the opportunity to take classes for a nominal fee. You may attend two functions as a Guest before joining.

Membership Welcome Letter

Everyone must be Registered and/or logged in to make any purchases
You only have to register once, then simply login whenever you use the website
If you haven’t done so, please use the Login/Register tab on the main menu

Name tags may be purchased for an additional fee. Order here: Member Name Tag

 Payment is defaulted to New Membership-Please choose which membership you’d like to purchase