It is the responsibility of the Fair Booth Committee to organize and run our booth at the Alaska State Fair every August.  This is the Guild’s major fundraiser for the entire year. Income from the booth supports the Guild and keeps us afloat financially.
The good news:  we meet and work for only a few months each year.  In February or March, we organize kits for members to check out and complete, in addition to preparing for our “Sew for Fair” event which happens at the April Open Sew Meeting.  From April through August, we have a table set up at each Monthly Membership Meeting where we hand out kits, accept donations, and recruit volunteers to work in the booth.  August finds us preparing the booth with repairs, cleaning, and set-up before Opening Day.  Once the Fair starts, it’s usually smooth sailing; we just maintain the volunteers and track the income.  In September, we hold our wrap-up meeting and discuss ways to improve and ideas for the following year.

READY   ~   SET   ~   GO!!!

​If you would like to participate in this worthy effort and want to put your creative ideas toward making the booth more profitable, please sign up for the Committee at one of the Membership Meetings.